BOD Meeting – Jan 3rd
TCLL BOD Meeting Notes
Perry Restaurant (234 Magnolia Ave, Larkspur, CA 94939)
BOD members in attendance:
Mike Boland, Ted Meyer, Matt Boland, Andy Revell, Blake Schaffer, John Weinberg, Ross Murray, Erik Brent, Jen Ellard, Kim O’Connell, AJ Rea, Jon Stone
-Minutes from Nov. 15th meeting Approved
Treasurer’s Report:
-Rajeev will have budget and treasures report at next meeting (February)
President’s Report:
-District meeting conducted on 11/16
-Potential 9 year old league (following the end of Spring season and before Fall Ball) was discussed. Three other leagues are in support (Mill Valley, Gallinas, and San Francisco). Joe Wag field was discussed as a request from other leagues. This will most likely not work due to the field maintenance that happens in between the 2 seasons. Board will discuss other potential field options (Cove, etc.) and what Twin Cities role will be in this potential league at an upcoming BOD meeting (March).
-Changes to All Star rules was discussed and will also be further discussed at a future Board meeting.
-A new ‘Diamond Leader program’ will also now be mandatory for any All Star coach. Further conversation will occur at a BOD meeting later in year.
-There will be an upcoming umpires training in San Bernardino to boost membership
Old Business:
-upcoming league dates discussed:
June 8th All star public announcement
June 16 TOC begins
June 24th all stars begin
**all dates tentative
March 18 is start of TCLL season. Rosters must be submitted by end of February (3 weeks prior to start of season).
Player evaluations will be held on January 21st from 8am-5pm.
(Majors and Rookie most likely in the morning session followed by Minors in the afternoon).
All dates are posted on website
New Business:
-Team Parent meeting will be held in person this year (Date/Time TBD).
-Endowment discussion was postponed until March BOD meeting.
-Potential building of center field shed at Joe Wag has been paused.
-Bleachers at Joe Wag and Kirby fields were also discussed and will be further discussed at BOD meeting in February.
-Next BOD meeting will be February 6th as Perry’s restaurant.
-Meeting adjourned at 8:10pm