Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

June 3, 2024, 7:15pm

Perry Restaurant 234 Magnolia Avenue, Larkspur, CA 94939

Present: Mike Boland, Andy Revell, Danny Searle, AJ Rea, Jon Stone, Sam Kahn, Kim Oconnell, Ross Murray, Blake Schaefer; Bryce Fenster

Approval of minutes of April 7th- motion approved


Treasures report:

  • P&L was sent out in advance of meeting
  • $38k favorability
  • COGS up for snack bar
  • Income down due to less teams and players


Presidents report: 

  • No big issues discussed at presidents meeting
  • Nancy looking for volunteers from other leagues for state tournament
  • District umps notice sent out
  • Continuous batting order is still being discussed at little league national level
  • Sports connect mandated in ‘25 for registration


Old business: 

  • -looking for volunteers for district and state tournament July 20-27th
  • -staffing of umps for pool play is completed
  • -hosting open day All Star ceremony for 11U’s at Joe Wag


Committee report:

  • Majors manager meeting report in May ‘24

2 items:

*Discussion to move to a AA and AAA majors. Pros and cons being discussed. Putting committee together to come back to board (nominated by Mike) with recommendations. Tiburon, Mill Valley, North/South Novato, and Ross Valley all do this.

*majors managers suggesting going back to a keeper league (‘26)

Still be discussed by board

  • -scheduling recommendation given by managers
  • -suggestion to look at special rules around practice restrictions
  • -16 game season
  • Managers meeting proved board valuable feedback and we discussed doing at all divisions


  • Double vs single elimination all star district tournament discussed. Mike will email a handful of league presidents to gather consensus. Goal would be to have a few pool play games for each team followed by a double elimination tournament.

Meeting adjourned at 8:23pm