

"That's the beautiful thing about baseball. You can be any size and be successful."  -- Andrew Benintendi

  • Rookie Division will be non-competitive for the first portion of the season and ends with a competitive tournament.  
  • No draft. Friend requests are considered requests when building teams, however, TCLL Board will weigh team balance with friend requests when creating teams.
  • General time commitment is 3x per week: 2 practices and game
  • Experience/abilities: 
    • Offense: Approaching proficiency hitting a moving ball. Emerging on avoiding the ball (wild pitch).
    • Defense: Approaching proficiency catch with players and fielding fundamentals.
  • Field/Location: Town Park/Cove Field.
  • Offense Objectives:
    • Building confidence and introducing intermediate gameplay concepts
    • Faster pitching and hard ball
    • Sliding into bases
    • Tagging Up
  • Defense Objectives:
    • Basic Situational awareness - for each pitch, where to throw the ball if it is hit to you, and where to be if it is hit to someone else.
    • Introduce “Intermediate” gameplay concepts and skills
    • Introduce Catcher position
    • Introduce Pitching Mechanics.
    • Introduce Double Plays
    • Introduce Relays
    • Introduce long toss
    • Defensive hierarchy and communication: pop-up and fly ball communication
  • Ages 7-9 (Primarily 8)

Thank you Rookie Sponsors