BOD Minutes – April 11, 2022
Board of Directors Meeting (via Zoom)
April 11, 2022 – 7:30 PM
Present: Mike Boland, Ted Meyer Jr., Ted Meyer Sr., Andy Revel, AJ Rea, Jen Ellard, Jon Weinberg, Jay Sternberg, Kim. O’Connell, Tad Finnie, Joe Crane, and Bryce Fenster.
- Approval of Minutes (March 1): Adopted as drafted and proposed;
Treasurer’s Report: to be submitted
President’s Report: Fingerprinting Process is still awaiting ORI Number from CA Dept. of Justice. M. Boland has been designated as the custodian by State. Willie Mah will be the person taking the fingerprints. BOD to decide who pays for it once price is known. The hope is that this will be completed this season.
- Old Business
Opening Day Review: There are mixed reviews of the pedestrian parade. Majority of BOD members who spoke favored it. Advantages are safety, cost, and concentration of fans along route. Players seem to favor it as well. The parade for 2023 will be decided by the BOD.
Rules Committee Report: The report of the Rules Committee was reviewed and adopted with the following changes:
Majors Rule 1.4 change will not become effective until 2024.
Majors Rule 7.0 was resubmitted to the Rules Committee due to a misunderstanding of the need for compliance with the present plan.
- New Business
Movie Fundraiser: Jen Ellard presented a proposal that included producing the event by TCLL (May) or partnering with the Lark Theatre (June). The BOD preferred producing it and further investigation will be done.
Fingerprinting Requirement: see President’s Report above.
Sandlot Game: Bryce Fenster delivered a report on the event and was congratulated by the BOD for his work. 35 to 40 players participated and thoroughly enjoyed it. The BOD would like it to return next season.
Adjournment 9:00
Next Meeting: May 3 2022