Board of Directors Meeting (via Zoom)


February 1st, 2022 –  7:30 pm


Present: Matt Boland, Mike Boland, Brent Baker, Ted Meyer and Ted Meyer Junior, Casey Roberts, Dan Searle, Jennifer Ellard, Rajeev Ghia, Tad Finnie, Jon Weinberg, AJ Rea, Joe Crane, Kimberley O’Connell, Ross Murray, Bryce Fenster, Andy Revell, and Erik Brent.


  • Approval of Minutes (1-4-22) – Approved as drafted
  • Treasurer’s Report
    • Given by Rajeev – Higher than the budgeted amount – at $144,000. Lower on Fundraising. Sponsor income is lighter than the forecasts (30k) and currently around $3k. Besides that forecasts are tracking in line
    • President – Rent payment for Joe Wager to be paid shortly. Requested waiver for last year and likely to get it.
      • Rent payment is already reflected in the current Treasurer’s Report.
    • Tad Finnie’s company to donate $1k to be delivered in the future.
    • Rajeev – Payments in the next few months will not affect anything substantial due to high registration numbers.
  • President’s report
    • Submitted submission to DOJ for fingerprinting request.
      • Submitted as a non-profit which should save $25-$30 per person
    • To be decided at the next board meeting – How will we pay for the cost of all coaches, managers, and board members being required to submit fingerprints
    • Opening Day Parade (March 12th) – Event insurance required. Typically through Costello and Sons will is no longer available. Bids have been requested by various insurance brokers in Larkspur / Corte Madera.
    • New District Administrator – Nancy Miller has been appointed.
      • TOC tournament still TBD but most likely yes (at the Major’s level).
      • Nancy Miller to complete Ned White’s term
    • Old Business

Player Evaluations Committee:

  • Juniors – Tad
    • Evaluations this weekend at Alberts (Saturday and Sunday, Feb 5 and Feb 6)
    • Junior league reps to meet next Thursday to generate schedule for the games
    • Rajeev – Inquiry on the cost of Alberts Field.
      • Jennifer – Around $2000, $200/hr.
    • Majors – Andy
      • Draft this week, evaluations went extremely well

Minors – Bryce

9 teams assembled with equipment distributed

  • Rookie – Jon Weinberg
    • Finished managers meeting tonight (Feb1)
    • 7 full teams of 12
    • Late registrations will be folded into existing teams.
  • Farm – AJ
    • Currently around 140 kids and expecting more. 12 teams.
    • 7 teams that will be first year farm teams, 5 “returning” farms.
    • Scheduling to allow second year Farm kids to play more games against other second years, in order to provide the best experience.
  • T-Ball – Ross
    • Beginning to assemble teams – 6 teams, possible 7, with no more than 10 per team..
    • Working to accommodate requests for kids to play together
  • Tryouts – Bryce
    • Pros and Cons of our current evaluation process. Creation of Best Practices approved by the BOD for next year.
      • Discussion on the pros and cons.


Items for Next BOD Meeting

  • Nancy Miller to formally request TCLL host the minors (9s and 10s) Sectional tournament. Next meeting in March the BOD will vote and determine whether we accept.
  • Vote to confirm we have a 9 year old all-star team
    • Uniforms are already ordered, was approved last year but the new BOD must approve.
  • Opening Day –
    • Proposal for an abbreviated ceremony for Opening Day, due to
    • Parade mask protocol.
  • TBD – Once managers / coaches list is assembled, develop a packet that spells out required process for fingerprinting


Adjournment: 8:30 pm