BOD Minutes – September 23, 2021
Present: Mike Boland, Ted Meyer Jr., Ted Meyer, Jon Weinberg, Ross Murray, Jay Sternberg, Tad Finnie, Andy Revell, Rajeev Ghia, Dan Searle, and Erik Brent.
Also present: Matt Boland, Jennifer Ellard, Chris Coughlan, AJ Rea, and Joe Crane.
- Approval of Minutes (September 9) – No changes and were approved.
- Treasurer’s Report – Jon provided a closing report on the league’s finances. There are sufficient funds to complete the re-turfing of the infield at Joe Wag.
- President’s Report: TCLL was the only league with a full season in the district in 2021. About half the leagues have new presidents. District fees have been paid. It was noted TCLL was the only league with no enrollment reduction in 2021.
- Fall Ball: This is a very successful program with almost half the players from the spring in it. Hope is to add T-Ball next year. Erik and Andy are to be thanked.
- Nomination Report: We have 5 new proposed BOD members
- Election: Proper notice of this was given with three e-mails to all members and one to all members offering absentee ballots. Two notices were published in the Twin Cities Times. The meeting, like all BOD meetings, was open to the public via Zoom.
- The little league prescribed procedure for election was followed, nominations were open and closed, and the following 22 persons were elected and officer positions assigned to the 2022 BOD:
- Mike Boland-president
- Ted Meyers, Jr.-vice president
- Rajeev Ghia-treasurer
- Tad Finnie-juniors
- Jay Sternberg-majors
- Bryce Fenster-minors
- Jon Weinberg-rookie
- AJ Rea-farm
- Ross Murray-tball
- Brent Baker-IT
- Matt Boland-secretary
- Ben Faber-sponsors
- Jennifer Ellard-scheduling/marketing
- Joe Crane-scheduling
- Ted Meyer, Sr.-equipment and field manager
- Kim O’Connell-team parent
- Casey Roberts-concessions
- Andy Revell-player agent
- Dan Searle-asst. equipment mgr.
- Chris Coughlan-safety officer
- Erik Brent-fall ball
- Steve Lightfoot-umpire in chief
- March 12 was selected as the tentative opening day
Adjournment 8:20 PM
Next Mtg. October 12