BOD Minutes – March 11, 2021
Board of Directors Meeting (via Zoom)
March 11, 7:30 pm
Present: Mike Boland, Ted Meyer Jr., Ted Meyer, Jon Weinberg, Chad Solter, Ross Murray, Rajeev Ghia, Casey Roberts, Bryce Fenster, Andy Revell, Tad Finnie, Jay Sternberg, Brent Baker, Paul Gehrman, Dan Searle, Kim O’Connell, and Erik Brent.
- Approval of Minutes (February 11) – Approved as submitted
- Treasurer’s Report – Approved as submitted
- President’s Report – Extra insurance required by high school district purchased, 8 out of boundary players in minors require waivers to play-Tiburon approved and waivers being processed.
- Old Business
2021 Registration / Calendar Report: Play set to commence March 13. Concerns over a number of umpires were discussed, but the final word deferred to Scott Calzaretta and Steve Lightfoot.
Divisions Report: Drafts were conducted and completed in majors, minors, and juniors. There are 7 teams in minors and 6 in majors. Juniors have 2 teams with 16 players per team. Rookie has 7 teams and there are 12 in Farm. T-ball has 7 teams. All Managers have been approved by the board.
- New Business
- Farm: One player tested positive for COVID. A plan was prepared to advise the league and team parents. The team’s game this weekend will be rescheduled.
- Corte Madera Facilities Contract Status: The proposed facilities use agreement was approved by the board.
- Joe Wagner Field Maintenance Proposals: This item was briefly discussed and will be deferred to the next meeting.
- COVID Protocol: A plan was developed to enact restrictions per the county health department for Joe Wagner and The Cove fields. Spectator seating charts will be sent to all members on Friday.
- Special Meeting was scheduled for Monday, March 15 to review weekend games, T-Ball game location, and issues relating to the start of the season.
- Legal Report: A discussion with counsel was completed.
Adjournment 9:05 PM
Next Mtg. March 15