Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

December 3, 2024, 7:30pm

Perry’s Restaurant

234 Magnolia Avenue, Larkspur, CA 94939

Present: Mike Boland, Matt Boland, Andy Revell, Seth Leibick, Mark Vaughn, Brent Baker, Anjuli Marotto, AJ Rea Joe Crane, Jon Weinberg, Ross Murray, Charlie Quanstrom, Blake Schaefer, and Christine Golyn. Also, guest Ted Meyer Sr.

President’s Update:

-Budget presented and it will be on the January agenda for approval.

-Registration over 200 and about the same as this time last season.

-Little Sluggers program details to be sent by Matt Boland to BOD.

-League reps to provide Brent with division descriptions to post on website.

-League Constitution to be reviewed at January meeting. This is not the special rules document.

New Business:

-BOD voted unanimously to adopt splitting Rookie and Farm divisions into 3 divisions. Joe Crane and AJ Rea to supply description and request formal adoption at January meeting.

-Charter and Insurance in place for 2025 Season.

-Mike Boland and Chris Coghlan working with Central Marin Police for walking parade for 2025 opening day. St. Patrick School has consented for it to be staging area.