Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

February 15, 2024, 7:15pm

Perry Restaurant 234 Magnolia Avenue, Larkspur, CA 94939

Present: Mike Boland, Matt Boland, Jennifer Ellard, Ted Meyer Sr., Andy Revell, Jon Weinberg, Danny Searle, AJ Rea, Jon Stone, Peter Costa, Sam Kahn, Brett Baker, Seth Leibick, Eric Brent, Ross Murray

Approval of Minutes (January 9th) – Approved
Treasurer’s Report- No significant changes from the last meeting.

President’s Report:
-Corte Madera Park and Rec and Larkspur staff giving great cooperation to TCLL

-Two District president meetings were held since January 9th. SportsConnect and Little League National made an agreement to create National database.  JDP will also run through this app as well.

-New rule for 4–7-year-olds around choosing their own little league boundary. Further directions/guidelines to be given at future date.

-Intermediate sectionals being held at Hamlin Field (Novato) in June 2024.

Old Business:

Division Reports:

T-Ball- registration was good with 6 total teams, up from 4 teams in 2023.

Farm- 90 kids registered, also up from last year. 8 teams in total.

Rookie- 55 kids registered and 5 total teams.

Minors- 9 teams of 11 players registered for league.

Majors- 7 teams of 12 players registered for league.

Juniors- 1 team for season. Redwood high school being very cooperative with field scheduling for little league teams over travel ball teams.\

New Business:
-League scheduling is underway.  Scheduling post season and working back to regular season.  2 additional schedulers have volunteered and have been trained.

-Volunteers of the year were recently announced. Congratulations to this year’s winners.

-SportsConnect discussion occurred. A follow up discussion around adoption and utilization moving into 2025 to occur at subsequent Board of Directors meeting.

-All Star logistics meeting for 10U State tournament are underway.  The increased focus on planning early will lead to an incredible experience for players, families, and friends.

-Joe Wagner field still too wet to re-open. Board decided to keep field closed until opening day with the goal of allowing opening day games to be played at Joe Wag.  Potential option to discuss opening the field earlier, if weather permits, will occur at Board of directors meeting on March 5th.

-New Joe Wagner Field security system is up and running.

-Motion made to increase the wages of the Joe Wagner snack bar employees- motion passes.

-Umpire additional training to be discussed with Steve Lightfoot.  Umpire Spring season assigner position is also being discussed.

-March 9th will be managers/coaches fingerprinting.

-Meeting adjourned at 9:32 pm


Team Parent Meeting: February 29- Zoom

Next BOD Meeting: March 5th

Opening Day: March 16