TCLL Minutes

Board of Directors’ Meeting 

December 5, 2023: 7:15 PM – Perry’s Rest., Larkspur


Present: M. Boland, M. Boland, S. Kahn, R. Murray, T. Meyer, B. Lewis, A. Revell, J. Weinberg, S. Leibick, D. Searle, J. Crane, T. Finnie, R. Ghia, E. Brent


  1. Approval of Minutes (November 14)-adopted / Treasurer’s Report-registration money arriving but no significant bills / President’s Report-RVLL dropping 50/70 team, but TPLL still going, post-season tournament still an option, SFLL planning on 4 Jr. teams.
  2. Old Business

            Rules Committee Report and Recommendations-continued to January Meeting on 1/9.

Status of “Joe Crane” Proposal-Nancy Miller to pursue with little league management and will continue to explore partnership with TPLL.

Security System Report-new cameras to be operational shortly.

  1. New Business

Registration Report-294 registered to date

2024 Schedule

-scheduler needed-2 new volunteers to assist with Jenn.

Statement re anti-bullying proposal-continued to January mtg. on 1/9.

Signage Fees: increased to $700 for new sponsors and $600 for returning sponsors. Congrats to Ben Faber for building a healthy sign program.