TCLL Minutes: November 15, 2023

           Perry’s Rest-Larkspur


Present: Mike Boland, Matt Boland, Jon Weinberg, Seth Leibick, James Connolly, Ted Meyer, AJ Rea, Tad Finnie, Kim O’Connell, Blake Schaefer. Rajeev Ghia, Ross Murray, Jenn Ellard, Danny Searle, and Joe Crane.

  • Approval of Minutes (October 3)-approved as submitted
  1.  Treasurer’s Report-Rajeev presented the Budget for 2024 as well as the closing statement for 2023. The league operating loss in 2023 is $25, 643.54. He proposed a 20% registration increase for 2024 to cover the same expenses as 2023. A vote to accept that failed. A second proposal was to increase the fees 10% and recommend an increase again in 2025 if the league continued operating at a loss. That motion passed. The fees will be increased to $320 for lower divisions (T-ball and Farm), $350 (Rookie) and $440 for upper divisions (Minors, Majors, Juniors), and $620 for families in 2024.
  1. President’s Report-The Rules Committee will meet on November 28, and all proposals must be submitted by November 24. Report on District 3 activity included regional meeting in January, new league presidents, status of 50/70 program, and possible PCA district workshop.
  2. Old Business

Status of “Joe Crane” Proposal: To be discussed at District President’s Meeting on November 16. District-wide interest in the proposal by 5 other little leagues. Tiburon LL will be contacted to explore cooperation in a 50/70 program.

Security System Report: Cameras are installed and will be operational shortly.

  1. New Business

Registration- to be opened this week. Teamsnap blast announcement to be sent November 15.

2024 Schedule-Important Dates to be sent via Teamsnap Blast this week by the President.

Adjournment 8: 45 PM