September 12 Board Meeting Minutes
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
September 12, 2023, 7:15pm
Perry Restaurant 234 Magnolia Avenue, Larkspur, CA 94939
BOD Members Present: Mike Boland, Matt Boland, Jen Ellard, Chris Coghlan, Ted Meyer, Joe Crane, Dan Searle, Jon Stone, Ross Murray, Jon Weinberg, AJ Rhea, Tad Finnie, Kim O’Connell
Adjunct BOD Present: Seth Leibick, Sam Kahn, Peter Costa
Approval of Minutes 08/08/23-approved
Treasurer’s Report :
-2023 season income less than budgeted due to additional expenses and inflationary costs. $180k income in ’23 ($60k less than budgeted).
President’s Report:
-District meeting did not occur
-Most leagues hold BOD elections in October
-AIG is pulling general liability insurance and little league is currently searching for a new carrier.
Old Business:
-2023 Close out discussion.
New Business
-Twin Cities Board of Directors little league election
-Mike Boland followed the required 6 notice protocol (Little League protocol) of upcoming election- Motion passed that this was followed.
-3 notices sent via mail to all members
-publication of the notice was posted in the Twin Cities Times for 3 editions (August)
-No Absentee ballots were submitted.
-Quorum this year discussed, agreed to, and motion passed.
-22 people comprising the new board of directors was sent in an email- motion to accept all members passed.
-Motion to close the nominations passes as well.
-Voting passed unanimously.
-Motion to appoint officer passes.
-The 2024 Board of Directors will be added to the website in the next week.
-Discussion around finding an assistant scheduler for the upcoming spring season was discussed. The board will begin to ask the community for a volunteer to step into this role. This will not be a board position.
-This upcoming season marks the 70th anniversary of Twin Cities Little League.
Meeting adjourned at 8:05pm
NEXT MEETING: 1st week of October