Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

August 8, 2023, 7:00pm

Perry Restaurant 234 Magnolia Avenue, Larkspur, CA 94939

BOD Members Present: Mike Boland, Matt Boland, Ted Meyer, Joe Crane, Dan Searle, Jon Stone, Brett Baker, Andy Revell, Erik Brent, Ross Murray, Rajeev Ghia, Jon Weinberg, and Steve Lightfoot (via Zoom).

Adjunct BOD Present: Seth Leibick

Special Guest: Spencer Weinberg

 Approval of Minutes 06/08/23-approved  


 Treasurer’s Report Rajeev to email report in the next few days. $30k loss for Spring season due mainly to inflationary costs of equipment, supplies, etc.


 President’s Report-

-District meeting did not occur

-Great support from district during All Star season

-Recommendation given around All Star continuous batting order rule and the issues surrounding it. Further discussion to be had at subsequent meeting.

-Twin Cities finished 1st in the CM 4th of July parade (voted on by the 4th of July committee


Umpire Presentation (Spencer Weinberg)

-Spencer laid out his suggestions for improve the umpiring system, currently in place for TCLL

-Use of management system app (assignr) to make scheduling of umpires easier.  $360 fee (per year).

-Recommendation given to create 2 new positions around umpire management (Chief of umpire and Admin of umpire).  Chief of umpires would be focused on training/development/feedback and Admin would be responsible for the scheduling of umpires through Assignr (this would not fall on current little league scheduling coordinators).

-Further discussion needed around best mechanism to provide umpires’ feedback

-Motion to move forward and use Fall Ball ’23 season as a pilot for Assignr- motion passes.


New Business

Joe Wagner potential renovations:

-new security system discussed (pending proposals)

-new sound system upgrade was discussed. Board to look for potential opportunities within community for donation.  Current sound system speakers are 35yrs. Old.

-Custom shirts/hats will be given to 10U All Star State championship team.  Discussion had around a potential plaque at Joe Wagner to recognize team.

Age based discussion for Majors:

Discussion had around potential to further look for exceptions for 12-year-old kids playing in majors division with August birthdays. More discussion needed to be had on topic including a discussion with league administrator.

-2024 Board of Directors election meeting is September 12th.  Notices will be published in advance per protocol.

-October 3rd will be first 2024 TCLL board meeting.


Meeting adjourned at 8:45pm


NEXT MEETING: 1st week of September