BOD Meeting – November 15th, 2022
TCLL BOD Meeting Notes
Larkspur Recreation Center (240 Doherty Drive, Larkspur, CA 94939)
BOD members in attendance: Mike Boland, Ted Meyer, Andy Revell, Rajeev Ghia, Joe Crane, Blake Schaffer, Dan Searle, John Weinberg, Ross Murray, Erik Brent, Jen Ellard, Brent Baker, Tad Finnie, Kim O’Connell & Chris Coghlan
-Previous meetings notes approved
Treasures Report:
-Clarification requested by board on the overspend ($46k) on the player/umpire equipment line of P&L.
**Most of spend was on equipment (T&B) and Training Facility expenses (pitching machines, nets, ball carriers, etc., and Fall Ball/9-U all-star uniforms.
**Majority of these expenses will not be incurred in 2023
**$194k balance in budget
Presidents Report:
-Upcoming district meeting on 11/16
-Request of board, to Mike, was to inquire as to the length the background checks/fingerprints would be useable
-2023 registration fee discussion around raising rates. Motion was discussed and passed. Board in agreement to raise rates by a 7% increase as follows;
T-Ball/Farm- $290
Rookie- $320
Minors/Majors/Juniors- $400
-Last item of discussion was to vote on passing the motion of redrafting the majors division every year moving forward.
-comments from public were heard by the board first. Speakers were: Jay Sternberg, Peter Costa, James Connolly, Ryan Johnson, Paul Elmquist, Ted Meyer Jr., Jeremy Buford, Crystal Hough & Owen Tripp.
-comments from board members were then heard
-confidential vote by all board members was then held
-Results were as follows:
13 votes not in favor
7 votes in favor
voted by proxy Matt Boland, Steve Lightfoot, AJ Rea & Bryce Fenster
Motion did not pass
BOD meeting adjourned at 9:10pm