Board of Directors Meeting (via Zoom)

July 25, 2022 – 7:30 PM Minutes

Present: Mike Boland, Ted Meyer, Sr., Jon Weinberg, Bryce Fenster, Erik Brent, Brent Baker, Joe Crane, Andy Revell, Chris Coghlan, and AJ Rea.

  1. Approval of Minutes: June 20 – (no May meeting)-adopted w/out change. Treasurer’s Report: approved as previously submitted.

President’s Report: In-person BOD meetings to resume in September, place TBA, new president in Tiburon with contact already made, sectionals were a huge success, Kirby Field renovation to be undertaken next year.

  1. Old Business

Competitive Balance Proposal: Rules Committee Report is pending.

  1. New Business
  • Fall Ball: over 100 registered thus far. Erik and Brent provided a report. All is proceeding smoothly.
  • All-Star award to be considered at August meeting.
  • Recognition to Andy Revell and his staff for the sectionals work.

Adjournment: 8:25 PM

Next Meeting: August 23