Board of Directors Meeting (via Zoom)

October 18, 2021, 7:30 pm

Present: Mike Boland, Ted Meyer Jr., Ted Meyer Sr., Jon Weinberg, Ross Murray, Jay Sternberg, Andy Revell, Matt Boland, Rajeev Ghia, Dan Searle, Erik Brent, Kim O’Connell, Jennifer Ellard, AJ Rea, Tad Finnie, Joe Crane, Erik Brent, and Brent Baker.

  • Approval of Minutes (October 18) – No changes were proposed and the minutes were approved as drafted.
  • Treasurer’s Report – Rajeev presented the 2022 Budget. It includes consideration of the capital improvement projects planned for Joe Wagner and Kirby Fields and a restructuring of the fees. The budget was adopted, along with the following new fee structure:
    • 8 years old and under: $270
    • 9 years old and over: $370
  • President’s Report: No district activity to report. Dispute with City of Larkspur over fee for use of Hall Field concluded with TCLL being charged for the first time. Report of new BOD made to Williamsport HQ.

Old Business

  • Fall Ball Report: Erik and Andy reported that the program is over and that the umpire training was very effective. A total of 18 new umpires were trained. The program was the highest number of participants ever in the TCLL history.
  • Joe Wagner Improvements Report: Ted reported on the effect of the recent storm on the improvement projects and how it shrunk the scope of the job. The smaller project will be completed in time for opening day in March, 2022.  Also, the improvements along the left field line were discussed and will be implemented. Noted was the increased need for practice facilities, following the closing of LineDrive.
  • Player Evaluations Committee: A written report will be available shortly, but the BOD received an oral report from several committee members. Player evaluations will be restructured to include tryouts by age rather than division, tryout in groups of 20 to 30 players, and a make-up by video tryout for those that miss the January 22 date. The report will be supplied to the Rules Committee and the entire BOD. An e-mail outlining the new procedure will accompany the announcement later this week about registration.

New Business

  • Schedule for 2022 Season:
    • Registration will open on November 12
    • Tryouts will be January 22
    • Opening Day will be March 12


Adjournment 8:30 PM

Next Mtg. December 6