BOD Minutes – September 9, 2021
Board of Directors Meeting (via Zoom)
September 9, 2021, 7:30 pm
Present: Mike Boland, Ted Meyer Jr., Ted Meyer, Jon Weinberg, Ross Murray, Jay Sternberg, Bryce Fenster, Brent Baker, Kim O’Connell, Casey Roberts, Tad Finnie, Andy Revell, Rajeev Ghia, and Erik Brent.
- Approval of Minutes (June 10 & August 17) – No changes and were approved.
- Treasurer’s Report – Jon provided a full report on the league’s finances. Overall, the league remains in a strong position financially.
- President’s Report: No district meetings this summer.
- Old Business
- Erik and Andy gave a report on the fall ball program. Over 200 players are registered and there is a waitlist. Umpires training on September 18 will provide new umpires for the games.
- Nomination Report: We have several new proposed BOD members. A final report will be given at the election meeting.
- New Business
- Live Stream: More information will be gathered, but Jon Weinberg gave an oral report. The consensus is to move ahead with this and submit it for consideration at the new BOD.
- Joe Wagner Remodel: Jay gave a thorough outline of the costs and potential funding of a complete remodel. A committee will be appointed by the new BOD to further explore this concept. The BOD did give approval to a re-turfing of the infield at Joe Wagner with approval coming from Ted and Mike. Project to start as soon as fall ball ends.
Adjournment 8:20 PM
Next Mtg. September 23