Board of Directors Meeting (via Zoom)


September 9, 2021, 7:30 pm

Present: Mike Boland, Ted Meyer Jr., Ted Meyer, Jon Weinberg, Ross Murray, Jay Sternberg, Bryce Fenster, Brent Baker, Kim O’Connell, Casey Roberts, Tad Finnie, Andy Revell, Rajeev Ghia, and Erik Brent.

  1. Approval of Minutes (June 10 & August 17) – No changes and were approved.
    • Treasurer’s Report – Jon provided a full report on the league’s finances. Overall, the league remains in a strong position financially.
    • President’s Report: No district meetings this summer.
  2. Old Business
    • Erik and Andy gave a report on the fall ball program. Over 200 players are registered and there is a waitlist. Umpires training on September 18 will provide new umpires for the games.
    • Nomination Report: We have several new proposed BOD members. A final report will be given at the election meeting.
  3. New Business
    • Live Stream: More information will be gathered, but Jon Weinberg gave an oral report. The consensus is to move ahead with this and submit it for consideration at the new BOD.
    • Joe Wagner Remodel: Jay gave a thorough outline of the costs and potential funding of a complete remodel. A committee will be appointed by the new BOD to further explore this concept. The BOD did give approval to a re-turfing of the infield at Joe Wagner with approval coming from Ted and Mike. Project to start as soon as fall ball ends.

Adjournment 8:20 PM
Next Mtg. September 23