Board of Directors Meeting (via Zoom)


August 17, 7:30 pm

Present: Mike Boland, Ted Meyer Jr., Ted Meyer, Jon Weinberg, Ross Murray, Jay Sternberg, Dan Searle, Bryce Fenster, and Erik Brent.

  1. Approval of Minutes (June 10) – No changes but approval deferred given lack of quorum
  •  Treasurer’s Report – Jon provided a full report on the league’s finances. Overall, the league remains in a strong position financially.
  •  President’s Report: No district meeting this summer.
  1. Old Business
  •   Fall Ball: Registration remains strong and it will be offered to 6-year-olds for the first time. The fee is $175 per player. New uniforms are ordered with modifications requested by the coaches.
  1. New Business
  • 2022 BOD Election: Date of September 23 was set. Notice to be published as required. Nomination Committee still recruiting new members and a report is expected over Labor Day weekend. Both meetings will be by Zoom.
  • Discussion of using umpires in Fall Ball for training benefits. Mike will follow up with Steve Lightfoot and Kevin Dufficy.
  • Discussion of needed improvements to Joe Wagner Field with a report from Jay at the next meeting.


Adjournment 8:20 PM

Next Mtg. September 9