Present: Mike Boland, Ted Meyer Jr., Ted Meyer, Jon Weinberg, Chad Solter, Ross Murray, Casey Roberts, Andy Revell, Jay Sternberg, Paul Gehrman, Dan Searle, Kim O’Connell, and Erik Brent.

Also Present: Paul Elmquist

  1. Approval of Minutes (April 15) – Approved as submitted
  •  Treasurer’s Report – Jon provided a full report on the league’s finances. There is only 1 player in the league who has not paid the registration fee. The report is approved as submitted.
  •  President’s Report: All-Star Tournament starts on June 26 and ends on July 11.
  1. Old Business
  • Calendar Report: Photo Days set for May 22 and 23. Kim has the event fully organized and will personally supervise it.
  • Divisions Report: Reports from T-Ball, Rookie, and Majors were given by league representatives. Others gave reports on Farm, Minors, and Juniors. In summary, all divisions have proceeded nicely.
  1. New Business
  • COVID Games Rescheduling: RC recommends that COVID-caused canceled games be treated as rainouts: Recommendation adopted by unanimous vote.
  • Major Giants v Cubs Game: RC Recommendation is forfeit: The Cubs were unable to field a full team due to injuries and illness (not COVID). Giants are awarded a win as the Cubs forfeited the game. The BOD voted on this unanimously.
  • Revente Boutique Fundraiser Proposal: The BOD decided to thank Revente for the proposal but will defer any action until the fall. Consideration of the league sponsors who expressed an interest in this type of event was the primary factor.
  •  Nine-Year-Old All-Star Team Proposal for 2022 Season: The BOD recommends the 2022 season include a 9-year-old all-star team.
  • Fall Ball 2021 Management: Erik and Andy will supervise this program. An announcement will be made this month about registration.


Adjournment 8:15 PM

Next Mtg. June 10