Board of Directors Meeting (via Zoom)


April 15, 7:30 pm

Present: Mike Boland, Ted Meyer Jr., Ted Meyer, Jon Weinberg, Chad Solter, Ross  Murray, Casey Roberts, Bryce Fenster, Andy Revell, Tad Finnie, Jay Sternberg, Paul Gehrman, Dan Searle, Kim O’Connell, Casey Roberts,  and Erik Brent.

  1. Approval of Minutes (11) – Approved as submitted
    • Treasurer’s Report – Approved as submitted
    • President’s Report – Most little leagues just starting and not operating snack shacks, all-star announcement no earlier than June 1, and offer of hosting 11-year-old sectionals to be considered.
  1. Old Business

2021 Registration / Calendar Report / Umpire Plan: Discussed suspended/forfeited games being considered by Rules Committee, post-season tournament will include Rookie division, 2nd umpire added to Joe Wagner games last weekend, and set all-star voting for May 15.

  1. New Business
    • Reviewed proposal by Sports Basement and decided to pass this year.
    • Reviewed and discussed proposed contribution by Weiner Family.
    • Snack Bar trial weekend coming up and management will review next week.


Legal Report: A discussion with counsel was completed.

Adjournment 8:50 PM

Next Mtg. May 13