Dear Fellow Baseball Fans,

As promised, we have been reviewing the COVID-related procedures over the spring break and in view of the tier change. The addition of a second umpire at Joe Wagner games last weekend is an example. The next step will be a 2-day trial opening of the snack shack at Joe Wagner Field this Saturday and Sunday.

Only pre-packaged food and drinks will be available. Social distancing must be observed at all times. For example, the line to the snack shack must be maintained along the wall by the metal picnic tables on Alexander Ave. Only one customer will be allowed at a time. Once the customer is completed with the purchase, we ask that the next step is a return to her/his seat. No milling-around will be permitted. The snack shack will close at the bottom of the 5th inning and will not re-open after the game. All purchases must be made before the 6th inning.

Team Parents: Please monitor your team’s supporters regarding these rules.

This is a 2-day trial. If it is successful, we can schedule further openings. If not, it may be closed for the season,. So, in order to enhance the enjoyment of baseball there, we ask all customers to cooperate.

As Leo “The Lip” Durocher is famous for saying, “Never save a pitcher for tomorrow. Tomorrow it may rain.”


Mike Boland, President