Dear Fellow Baseball Fans,

As promised, we have obtained all the necessary permissions to play little league baseball. Please familiarize yourself with our Safety Plan. A sizable debt of gratitude is owed to many on the board of directors and field maintenance crew to bring us to this time. Special gratitude is owed to league safety officer Scott Calzaretta.

The board of directors will be reviewing and approving schedules this week. We hope to start play on time in just a couple of weeks. Most of the divisions are set with teams and the last few will be announced shortly. We will not host the normal opening day parade and ceremony so that we can start play and maximize playing time for our players.

Our games will be different in many ways. All the changes are meant to ensure the safety of our players and to ensure the continuance of play. Please be patient with these modifications. They are not permanent.

Please return any unused uniforms or equipment to the snack bar when play starts. Yes, the snack bar will be open on weekends.

Many thought this would not happen Other leagues are just now getting organized. But the dedication of the volunteers in this league was underestimated. Now, we finally see children back at Joe Wagner Field playing the “greatest game.”

So, now we return to the day when every team is in the first place and anything is possible. It’s like Christmas, but sunnier and warmer.


Mike Boland, President