Present: Mike Boland, Ted Meyer Jr., Ted Meyer, Jon Weinberg, Chad Solter, Ross  Murray, Rajeev Ghia, Casey Roberts, Bryce Fenster, Andy Revell, Jaime Byrnes, Tad Finnie, Jay Sternberg, Brent Baker, Paul Gehrman, and Erik Brent.

Member Present: Matt Markham

  • Approval of Minutes (January 7) – Approved as submitted
    • Treasurer’s Report – Approved as submitted
    • President’s Report – Most little leagues in the district are in a “wait and see” mode. A “Return to Play” Manual and Release/Waiver have been drafted and were approved by the board. These are mandatory for every player before participation. The traditional opening day will be abandoned in lieu of the priority of commencing play. Snack Bar will be re-structured with regard to items offered. There will not be a T. O. C. this season. All-stars start on June 26. Insurance certificates have been provided to the public entities whose facilities are used.
  • Old Business
    • 2021 Registration / Calendar Report: The goal is to play in March. The board discussed the need for the release and incorporation. It was agreed that the league is incorporated at once. Collection of fees deferred to start of play.
    • Majors & Minors Divisions Report: Draft were conducted and completed. There are 6 Majors and 7 Minors teams. Managers have been approved by the board.
  • New Business
    • Larkspur Change in Policy toward TCLL: The City will no longer allow TCLL to use the turf field 1 day per season complimentary. The same is likely true of the meeting room complimentary use.
    • Corte Madera Facilities Contract Status: The proposed facilities use agreement was approved and will be returned to the Town on February 12.
    • Joe Wagner Field Maintenance Proposals: This item was briefly discussed and will be deferred to the next meeting.
    • Legal Report: A discussion with counsel was completed.

Adjournment 9:05 PM

Next Mtg. March 11