BOD Minutes – November 19th
Present: Mike Boland, Ted Meyer Jr., Ted Meyer, Jon Weinberg, Chad Solter, Ross Murray, Rajeev Ghia, Casey Roberts, Kim O‘Connell, Bryce Fenster, Scott Calzaretta, Andy Revell, Dan Searle, Jaime Byrnes, Steve Lightfoot, Dan Searle, Tad Finnie, Brent Baker, and Erik Brent.
Members Present: Kim Boyden, Tom Beck, and Matt Markham
Non-Members Present: Andrew Calahorro and Carol Kent
- Approval of Minutes (October 20) – approved unanimously
- Treasurer’s Report – The monthly financial report presented and approved. 79 players have registered for the spring season.
- President’s Report: Twin Cities and Novato South league presidents will spearhead district requests to the state to play the 2021 spring season. National Little League has stated that its top priority is to commence play in 2021. New Mexico and California are the only states that prohibited spring play in 2020.
- Fall Ball: This was a resounding success and those who supervised it were complimented and thanked
- Old Business – All 2021 season dates have been posted on website.
- New Business
- Joe Wagner Damage: Within the past few days, a substantial amount of vandalism was done to Joe Wager Field. The Central Marin Police Authority was called. It visited the site and recorded the damage as it is a felony given its extent. The police are investigating it further and hope to identify the criminal (s) involved. Repairs will be initiated.
- Evaluation Committee Report: There was a discussion of the new evaluation protocol which will be in written form at the next meeting. The Rules Committee will meet in early January to review and amend special rules where necessary. There was consensus that players will be playing with similar skill level players rather than assigned to a division with players below their skill level.
- Audit Committee: At the request of the treasurer, the president appointed Andy Revell, Ross Murray, and Erik Brent to the league audit committee.
- Legal Report: The BOD engaged in a confidential discussion with legal counsel.
Adjournment 9:50
Next Mtg. December 15