BOD Minutes – October 20, 2020
Present: Mike Boland, Ted Meyer Jr., Ted Meyer, Jon Weinberg, Chad Solter, Ross Murray. Rajeev Ghia, Jay Sternberg (beard absent), Casey Roberts, Paul Gehrman, Kim O‘Connell, Bryce Fenster, Scott Calzaretta, Andy Revell, Dan Searle, and Erik Brent.
- Approval of Minutes (September 29) – approved unanimously
- Treasurer’s Report – 2021 Budget presented and approved with understanding changes will be made as necessary given possible expense increase from security at Joe Wagner Field, attorney’s fees, and reduced sponsor income. It was agreed the league would charge a refundable $50 to register and collect the balance if the season actually proceeds. The budget was approved unanimously.
- President’s Report:
- Charter for the 2021 Season has been submitted and is pending approval.
- Corte Madera is insisting on a written agreement for use of its fields in 2021. We are awaiting receipt of the proposal.
- Most leagues in the district are charging a “place holder” fee for 2021 registration.
- Old Business – Update Website with new BOD – updated with new BOD member
- New Business
- 2021 Registration/Calendar – the following dates were set:
- Registration Opens: November 13
- Tryouts for ages 8-and-up January 23
- Decision made to host tryouts by age and then assigned to the appropriate division.
- The president will appoint Ted Meyer, Jr. Jay, Paul, Erik, and anyone else interested in the committee to plan and supervise the player tryout.
- Opening Day: March 13
- Photo Days: April 25 and 25 (Makeup: May 25)
- Joe Wagner: The Central Marin Police have been notified of the garbage dumping and vandalism so it will increase patrol there. The car disposing of the wine bottles has been identified and the information given to police. It recommended additional security measures at the field.
- Central Marin Police have concluded an investigation of a false police report and is awaiting command direction to close the matter.
Adjournment 8:00
Next Mtg. November 19