Due to the unprecedented circumstances presented by the coronavirus pandemic, Little League International has authorized Twin Cities Little League to hold its annual election and membership meeting remotely. The Board of Directors plans and manages all league operations. It is the critical element of every little league. More than ever, it is important for every member to participate in this process.

For the purpose of electing a Board of Directors for the upcoming season, we will receive nominations and submit ballots electronically in the following time frame.

Date and Time of Meeting: September 29, 2020 at 7:30 PM. The meeting will be held via Zoom and the details for joining can be found on our website (see agenda) after August 28, 2020.

Nomination Deadline: Nominations will be received until September 18, 2020 -https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/FPXNWXV.

Election Ballots: Ballots will be served via e-mail to all members by September 21, 2020

Election Results: Ballots must be submitted and returned by September 28, 2020. The votes received will be announced at the meeting referenced above. At the meeting, the election will be completed.

Board Vote on Positions: This will be done at the September 29, 2020, meeting.

This notice will be published twice in the Twin Cities Times in the next three weeks.

Mike Boland, President