BOD Present: Mike Boland, Ted Meyer, Scott Calzaretta, Ted Meyer Jr., Jon Weinberg, Jay Sternberg, Karmela Cleary, Ross Murray, Brent Baker, Chad Solter, Paul Gehrman, and Casey Roberts.

Member Present: Mary Kayser

Approval of Minutes (June 30) – approved unanimously as proposed

  Treasurer’s Report –    

1)  All refunds have been processed and cleared.  62% of registration fees, non-volunteer fees, and donations we collected from families were returned.

2)  Expenses have been light over the last month, consistent with the lack of league activity

 3)  Our cash balance stands at $150K, however, without Fall Ball revenue the balance will fall another $10-20K before spring.  We continue to be in a strong financial position.

Treasurer’s Report was approved unanimously.

 President’s Report – All other leagues still awaiting Fall Ball clearance.

Old Business 2020 Season Status – Awaiting decision re Fall Ball, the plan is to call emergency BOD meeting to organize if given permission to play. The decision to postpone fees until a determination of the extent of the program played.

New Business

District 3 Operations Review – Review is complete and no problems found.

General Membership Meeting Setting – to be set in September and most likely will be by Zoom, with permission from Little League International. Notice as required will be given per normal protocol.

Open Time for Non-Emergency Items – no issue raised


Next Meeting: August 18