Status Report – June 11
Dear Fellow Baseball Fans,
Before reporting on the season status, I am pleased to announce that Twin Cities Little League has been selected for the 2020 Best of Larkspur Award in the category of Recreation Clubs. The Larkspur Award Program was created to honor and generate public recognition of the achievements and positive contributions of organizations in and around Larkspur. In this time of crisis, we are proud to have been recognized. The credit belongs to you, the members of the league. Let’s continue striving to improve the baseball experience for our players.
Now comes the sad news. Due to state and local orders, we are unable to proceed with the season at the present. There is no indication of a change shortly, so we are compelled to cancel the spring season in its entirety. There was sincere and substantial hesitation in making this decision. All the other little leagues in Marin County canceled the season before us. All the necessary equipment and supplies were stored and/or distributed. We cradled the hope for a season involving the minors and majors at Joe Wagner Field. As you can see, our field has been maintained and is ready for play. In conjunction with District 3 and the Novato Little Leagues, we joined in a plan presented to Marin County to resume play. Unfortunately, it was denied. Further, there is no indication play will be allowed in the near future. So we now turn our focus to fall ball and potentially expanded play. Other leagues in Marin County join us in this hope.
Full refunds will be offered in accordance with our policy previously announced.
Some organizations have received permission to operate “baseball camps.” These are accomplished by grouping a cohort of 12 players and conducting baseball exercises in accordance with county health safety rules. No games are allowed, the players cannot share equipment, no others can be present during the exercises, and the players cannot participate in other baseball camps. Social distancing rules apply as well. Since this regime does not constitute baseball as we know it, we felt prudence required us to plan for fall ball.
While we are saddened by these circumstances, the prospect of an expanded fall ball season is promising. Of course, nothing is certain and we have the safety of our players primarily in mind. I am confident each of you share in these concerns.
All of us on the board of directors wish you well and request you keep the flame for baseball flickering.
Mike Boland, President
Board Of Directors, Twin Cities Little League